It is said that any journey, no matter how long, begins with a single step. In this case, in the replacement of the conveyor belts CV-236 and CV-103 at Minera Escondida Chile. It was not just any trip, but one that we were able to document in all its stages and we feel very proud to have been able to carry out this task,

There are times when a photo interprets the entire effort of the CBTech Team, in this case, at Minera Escondida. 100 hours, only 100 hours counted for the team to replace the old conveyor belts with the CV236. The team of professionals, from Peru and Chile, prepared 10 days in advance for the start, working with the emblondados, in La Negra. Once up, the

Our team continues with the installation of conveyor belts in Quebrada Blanca 2.Within the works in the installation, a specialized installed tent was required for overlapping ends. Additionally, we are concluding the splice, and the second roll has already been pulled to the splice area.The strip was ready for tightening and overlapping the ends for the closure splice. Let us remember that this project