Rio Tinto, Ivanhoe

Oyu Tolgoi


CBTech In Dalanzadgad

The Oyu Tolgoi mine is a combined open pit and underground mining project in the Khanbogd ridge within the southern Gobi desert, approximately 235 kilometers east of the Ömnögovi provincial capital Dalanzadgad.

Main Achievements

One of the largest copper reserves on the planet, located in the remote Gobi desert, approximately 235 kilometers east of the capital of Ömnögovi province, Dalanzadgad.

The desert presents extreme conditions with temperatures ranging between 30° and -20°.

Two large overland systems will carry material from the pit crushers to the concentrator stock pile.

CBT supplied all RAS belts and pulleys.

CBT will be in charge of installing all belts using their CBT Belt Clamping System (2011 – 2012).

CBTech In The Presents